Feel empowered in your housing search.
Yarrow is committed to transparent, inclusive & fair housing practices for all, from the application process through your entire tenancy. Here are some helpful resources and links you should be aware of as you consider renting in the Ypsi area — either with us or anyone else!
Standard Yarrow Application
If you’d like to rent with us, this is the first document you’ll submit. We’re always happy to hop on the phone and answer any questions as you fill out the form.
Standard Yarrow Lease
While specific lease terms vary from tenant to tenant, all our leases follow this framework. We always advise prospective tenants to read our lease carefully and reach out to us or, if preferred, an attorney, with any clarifying questions. Yarrow always provides ample time for lease reviews.
Standard Yarrow Pet Registration Form
If we grant approval for a pet or pets, this is the form you’ll fill out.
Michigan Tenant Information Booklet
Since 2018, the City of Ypsilanti has required landlords to disclose certain information to all tenants. That information is summarized in this booklet, including standard protocols around security deposits and subleasing.
Michigan Truth in Renting Act
Established in 1978, this Act established certain parameters for residential leases in the State of Michigan. Among its provisions, the Act largely empowers tenants to bring legal action against their landlords if landlords do not maintain suitable living conditions.
Helpful Links
City of Ypsilanti Renter’s Guide
A helpful resource hub developed by the City of Ypsilanti to help prospective and current tenants navigate the city’s rental process.
Ypsi Subreddit
Particularly if you’re new to the city, this subreddit is a great way to quickly learn the ropes from the folks who know the city best. From finding the best hair salon to complaining about DTE, the threads on this subreddit are as eclectic as the city itself.
Washtenaw County Affordable Housing
Informational hub with various resources for individuals seeking to learn more about affordable housing resources within the county.
Michigan Legal Help
An easy-to-use resource designed to help individuals living in Michigan navigate various legal issues. Includes a dedicated hub for housing-related legal matters. This document detailing “What’s in a lease?” is especially helpful.
Ypsilanti DDA
The city’s Downtown Development Authority exists at the intersection of community and government to support business growth within the city. The DDA holds public meetings once a month, with minutes available following each meeting.
Dog license information
All dog owners in Michigan must ensure their dog(s) are licensed. Here’s the process you follow, based on the area in which you live.